Residential Support

We provide Residential Support services to assist with acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to activities of daily living, such as personal grooming, cleanliness, bed making, household chores, eating, the preparation of food, social and adaptive skills necessary to enable the individual to reside in a non-institutional setting.

Program Clinical Requirements

Habilitation, training and instruction are coupled with elements of support, supervision and engaging participation to reflect the natural flow of training, practice of skills, and other activities as they occur during the course of the person’s day. This service is distinctive in that it includes habilitation and training activities, as well as care and assistance with activities of daily living when the individual is dependent on others to ensure health and safety. Interactions with the person are designed to achieve outcomes identified in the Plan of Care.

Support and supervision of the person’s activities to sustain skills gained through habilitation and training are also acceptable goals of Residential Supports. The intent of this service is to meet the habilitation and personal care needs of individuals. It was designed to provide flexibility and reflect the natural flow of a person’s day.

This service is provided to individuals who live in licensed community residential settings, foster homes, or alternative family living homes as well as unlicensed alternative family living homes that serve one adult. This service also provides assistance, support, supervision and monitoring that allow individuals to participate in home or community activities.

Individuals living in licensed settings may use this service to provide habilitation and support in community living activities such as shopping and leisure activities in the community.