Respite Services

We offer Respite Services to provide periodic relief for the family or primary caregiver. In order to be considered the primary care giver, a person must be principally responsible for the care and supervision of the individual, and must maintain their primary residence at the same address as the covered individual. Specified training requirements for direct care staff must be clearly documented within the Person Centered Plan for the tasks that will be performed for Respite Care Services.

Enhanced Level of Respite is for participants who have behavioral or medical needs that require staff that are specifically trained to conduct personal care tasks or behavioral procedures. A participant receiving enhanced respite has needs that require:

  • Additional skill level of staff
  • Additional training so that higher levels of decision can be made
  • Additional supervision

There must be clear justification outlined in the PCP for the level of respite service needed. Specified training requirements for direct care staff and supervision requirements must be clearly documented in the PCP.